Tow Truck Parent
Barbara Connolly Is Available for Presentations on Parenting
Speaking Engagements
Barbara Connolly, JD, CEP is available for media appearances and speaking engagements. Barbara has spoken on the topic of parenting. She suggests that instead of helping children like a “helicopter parent,” it is best to help as a “Tow Truck Parent.” Barbara links different types of parenting to ultimate success for children in the college admission process.
Barbara also speaks on the intricacies of the college admission process and how to make the most of test prep, tutoring, and college admissions counseling services.
Contact Barbara at 248-294-0099 or Barbara@collegecc.com for more information and rates.
Tow Truck Parent - Lectures, Seminars & Presentations
College Knowledge: Four tips for ‘tow truck parents’ of kids making application – The Morning Sun
College Knowledge: Four tips for ‘tow truck parents’ of kids making application – The Oakland Press
College Knowledge: Four tips for ‘tow truck parents’ of kids making application – Daily Tribune
In her TEDx talk, which has been viewed over 1.3 million times, Barbara Connolly investigates how college obsession, which took root for her in a childhood experience, helped her children later go to good colleges. Ms. Connolly examines how “helicopter parents,” with all the associated negatives, are actually rare, and an involved parent, better described as a “Tow Truck Parent,” is the type of parenting style that works best.